Phone: +251 111 223 450
Holly Trinity Theology College Building, 5th floor Office No. 502,
Opposite to AAU Arat Kilo Campus
ESSSWA is currently engaged in implementing three projects financed by UNICEF, Population council and USAID who are shared the vision and objective of ESSSWA.
USAID:- The USAID Strengthening Social Service Systems in Ethiopia Project is a five-year project funded by PEPFAR through USAID (July 2017 to June 2022) with an intended goal of improving the well-being of Orphan and Vulnerable Children (OVC) and their caregivers through strengthening the social service system in Ethiopia. The purpose of SSSSE is to enable OVCs and their caregivers whom are living with or affected by HIV and AIDS to utilize comprehensive social services aimed at building their resilience, facilitating access to testing and treatment resulting in viral load suppression. Contributing to the 95-95-95 effort requires a strengthened workforce, building the capacities of key stakeholders, developing tools and guidelines and improving evidence informed decisions.
UNICEF :- Strengthening Capacities of TVET colleges, OCCAC and Service Providing Institutions for Training and Deployment of Skilled social service workforce Project (SCOTSI) financed by UNICEF.
Population council: - Exploring and Tracing Changes in FGM/C: Shifting Norms and Practices in Ethiopian Communities
Ongoing projects
- USAID/SSSSE/ -Strengthening Social Service System in Ethiopia (SSSSE)
- Population Council - Exploring and Tracing Changes in FGM/C: Shifting Norms and Practices in Ethiopian Communities
- UNICEF- Strengthening Capacities of TVET colleges, OCCAC and Service Providing Institutions for Training and Deployment of Skilled social service workforce Project (SCOTSI) financed by UN
Completed projects
- USAID -Strengthening Public Sector Social Service System in Ethiopia (SPSSSE)
- OAK- Enhancing Institutional and Research Capacities to Prevent Child Sexual Abuse and Exploitation (EIRC - PCSAE)
- PIE - Learning and Linking Existing Early Marriage Program in Amhara, Oromia and SNNP – Ethiopia
- UNICEF - ESSSWA’s 12th Annual Conference and Knowledge Sharing Activities
- USAID - Caring for Vulnerable Children Activities (CVC)