Phone: +251 111 223 450
Holly Trinity Theology College Building, 5th floor Office No. 502,
Opposite to AAU Arat Kilo Campus
Social Worker
Job by Ethiopian Society of Sociologist Social Workers and Anthropologists (ESSSWA)
Category: Social Sciences and Community
Location: Addis Ababa
Career Level: Mid Level ( 2+ - 5 years experience)
Salary: Negotiable
Job Description
Duration of Employment: six months contract (COVID-19 response) with possible extension depending on the availability of funds
Place of Work: In line with the current Government directives, successful candidates will work from home in Addis Ababa and project regions where they will have regular access to mobile phone, computer and internet services.
Number of Positions: 50
The Ethiopian Society of Sociologists, Social Workers and Anthropologists (ESSSWA) incollaboraation with UNICEF Ethiopia to has planned to work on COVID-19 Preparedness and Response Activities in Ethiopia. The activities are planned to be implemented in the following regions : Addis Ababa Afar, Amhara, Benshangul Gumuz, Gambella, Oromia, Somali, SNNP, Tigray regions. ESSSWA is thus looking for competent and experienced Social Workers who can meet the job requirements outlined below.
Duration of Employment: six months contract (COVID-19 response) with possible extension depending on the availability of funds Place of Work: In line with the current Government directives, successful candidates will work from home in Addis Ababa and project regions where they will have regular access to mobile phone, computer and internet services.
Job Description
Reports to senior social worker and performs the following activities:
- Conduct remote rapid capacity assessment of Community Service Workers (CSWs) deployed at kebele level through woreda offices of Women, Children and Youth (WoWCY) and WoWCY staff in child protection and on prevention of infection and transmission as well as knowledge and practice of self care strategies in the context of COVID-19
- Raise awareness and knowledge among Community Service Workers (CSWs) deployed at kebele level through woreda offices of Women, Children and Youth (WoWCY) on prevention, disease transmission and response measures to COVID-19- through training them on basic facts of the pandemic including symptoms, modes of transmission, prevention and accessing health care facilities (Focuses on training CSWs on content and methods of educating communities on mainstream messages and guidelines and measures promoted by Government to curb the spread of COVID-19)
- Provide psychosocial support to CSWs and WoWCY staff to promote self care and correct use of personal protective equipment; and support CSWs and WoWCY staff to mainstream mental Health and psychosocial issues in all their daily work with children, families and communities.
- Train CSWs and WoWCY staff on mechanisms to support contact tracing in collaboration with the health sector and local level COVID-19 taskforces and provide psychosocial support to families and children who may be referred to isolation centers and treatment centers
- Train CSWs and WoWCY staff on psychological first aid and transmission of mental health and psychosocial messages to support caregivers and children who may be in distress due to illnesses, loss of loved ones, sparations and abandonments associated with COVID-19 Support CSWs and WoWCY staff through training in child protection risks (such as separation, violence including gender-based violence that arise in the context of COVID-19 including stigmatization and discrimination against survivors of COVID-19), child protection case management, prevention of sexual exploitation and abuse, and how to safely report concerns
- Conduct regular case reviews and follow-up of identified and reported cases by CSWs and WoWCY staff and provide remote support to improve provision of services to children and their families and appropriate documentation of the cases in coordination with WoWCY heads
- Establish and maintain effective working relations with stakeholders such as regional Bureau of Women, Childre and Youth (BoWCY) and Bureau of Labour and Social Affairs (BoLSA)
- Avail self at all times for call by and remote support to CSWs and WoWCY staff in case management and addressing complex cases through phone-based psychosocial and counseling services to children and their families to
- Provide remote individual supervision and coaching to CSWs in coordination with WoWCY staff weekly as per standard supervision and coaching guidelines and templates and support CSWs to function optimally
- Train CSWs and WoWCY staff on weekly reporting mechanism including on the use of standard reporting templates; compile weekly reports submitted by CSWs and WoWCY staff (phone-based data collection from CSWs which will be verified with WoWCY records) and submit weekly report to supervisor and discuss with supervisor on rapid response to challenges encounterd by CSWs and WoWCY staff.
- Maintain robust database of services provided under the project through the use of standard reporting and paper-based management information system; prepare timely and present effectively written, statistical, narrative and oral reports periodically to supervisor and the project coordinator as requested
- Perform other duties designated by immediate supervisor
Job Requirements
Required Qualifications:
- First or second degree in Social Work, Sociology and Social Anthropology
- at least four years of solid social work practical experience in service delivery at facility or community level
- Must be proficient in written and spoken English. In addition to Amharic, speaking languages spoken in the 8 regional states is highly desirable.
- Previous experiences working with communities e.g. voluntary groups, faith based organisations, non-governmental organizations, local government etc. is an asset.
- Previous experiences in group facilitation – comfortable in leading or facilitating group learning
- Have critical thinking skill and is able to observe and synthesize the pros and cons of a situation and use learning to implement a best course of action
- The candidate should have well-functioning interpersonal skills, partnership management, organizational and communication skills and should also have practical skills in computer application .
- Excellent knowledge of communication materials and messages for COVID-19 , child protection case management, coaching and mentoring, crisis intervention, stress and distress management for clients and families, the impact of isolation on clients, supporting attachment and connection between clients and families, knowledge of self-care strategies, advocacy skills for clients and families and Supporting parents to explain illness to children.
- Must have own phone and computer and is willing to use these for remote service provision to CSWs and their clients
- Ability to work under pressure, motivation and ability to meet deadlines with short notices
- Female applicants are highly encouraged
- Being a member of ESSSWA is a plus
How to Apply
Only candidates who meet the minimum requirements are encouraged to apply and send their non returnable dossiers containing the following: Application letter, up to date curriculum vitae (CV), names and addresses of three references, at least one of them should be from the recent employer and photocopies of all academic credentials and testimonials and any other supporting documents within 8 consecutive days starting from the date of this announcement to the following address.
Address: E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and OR, P.O.Box: 31130, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, Phone number: 0911 921435/0912 059528.
Only Short-listed candidates will be contacted.