Conference Theme

The sixteenth Annual Conference of the Ethiopian Society of Sociologists, Social Workers and Anthropologists (ESSSWA) is planned to be held for two days, from March 27 to 28, 2020. In line with its mission, vision and strategic objectives, ESSSWA, in its previous annual conferences has given adequate emphasis and focuses on vulnerabilities, social change, social protection, social and behavioral problems, and other related thematic areas. This Sixteenth Annual Conference came up with a new conference theme: ‘‘Sociocultural issues and practices in conflict resolution and peace buildings.” The theme is brand new for ESSSWA Conferences, it is timely and magnifies the contribution of ESSSWA in informing and empowering the public and the government to become resilient in conflict prevention and management, ensure durable societal transformation and thereby strengthening social cohesion. 


Concept of the Conference

Ethiopian ethnic and religious fragmentation index (0.70 for ethnic and 0.61 for religion) signifies high levels of ethnic and religious divisions[1]. As a result of these fragmentations Ethiopia, like many other African countries had to accommodate mild and serious religious and ethnic cleavages. It is also undeniable fact that there are growing signs of ethnic and religious divides and associated conflicts.

Several studies identified ethnic, religious and other collective identities and economic diversities as the underlying causes of conflict in different parts of the country. These divides along ethnic, religious and other lines of identities highlight the complexity of conflicts.

Scholars have increasingly attributed conflicts to socio-cultural factors. Therefore, conflicts must be understood in the context of social and cultural affairs which determines behavior, and is also critical to resolving conflicts and building peace. This means that socio cultural approaches are useful not only to identify the sources of conflict, but also to offer effective means to resolve conflicts and build long lasting peace and security. 

Experiences have shown that there are causal interconnections between ethnicity and conflict as well as religion and conflict. However, there is also a body of evidence that ethnic groups have well tested indigenous conflict prevention and management mechanisms and religious forces and leaders also have inherent ability to provide positive contributions to conflict resolution and peace-building.

Agenda for professional debate

The underlying causes of intrastate conflicts in Ethiopia need to be examined and the roles indigenous sociocultural institutions and religious leaders can play in conflict prevention and management also need to be carefully investigated.

The papers to be discussed in the upcoming conference will provide overviews of both underlying causes of conflicts and the roles religious individuals, faith based organizations, indigenous systems and practices, women and youth can play in conflict resolution, peacemaking and peace building in the current Ethiopian context.

Hence, the 16th ESSSWA’s Annual Conference is expected to provide members and participants with a wealth of knowledge and information in the following sub themes:

  • The roles of Civil Societies in conflict resolution and peace building efforts
  • Indigenous Conflict Resolution Mechanisms: relevance and practicability in present Ethiopia
  • The potential for integrating formal and informal (traditional and modern) systems of conflict resolution mechanisms in urban and rural settings
  • Conflict and conflict resolution: The roles of Religion in Ethiopia-Sharing best practices
  • Collective Identities and Conflict in present Ethiopia
  • Peacemaking experiences of youths in Ethiopian society.
  • Cases of women’s roles in peacemaking efforts among Ethiopian Cultural groups.
  • Lessons from other countries’ experiences (E.g. Rwanda and South Africa) in reconciliation and peace building

ESSSWA is therefore, looking for related research abstracts and/or research papers from professionals in the fields of Sociology, Social Work and Anthropology or other related fields.

 Time Frame:

 Abstracts with title should be submitted to ESSSWA by 15, February 2020.

  • Writers of selected abstracts will be notified to prepare a draft paper and slide presentation starting from February 25, 2020.
  • Deadline for submitting draft paper and power point presentation to ESSSWA is by 15 March 2020.

 Your abstract/paper should be formatted as follows:

  • Title of Paper
  • Author(s): List each author’s Full name
  • Institution(s)
  • Email Address, Telephone (include all corresponding authors)
  • Text: Maximum 250 words prepared in 12-point Times New Roman font

Please send your title and abstract in soft copies via: Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and /or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. For any clarifications please call- 111 223 450 Mob: 0911365944, 0912059528 and/or 0912 011057

Phone: +251 111 223 450
Holly Trinity Theology College Building, 5th floor Office No. 502,
Opposite to AAU Arat Kilo Campus

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