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Opposite to AAU Arat Kilo Campus
Happy New Year wishes and congratulatory messages from Feleke Tadele (PHD), Former ESSSWA President, from Canada, Toronto
Dear ESSSWA friends and fellows:
I would like to extend my best wishes and warm greetings to you all from Toronto, Canada, as we are closing this challenging year of 2013 E.C, I hope 2014 E.C would spark new possibilities for stability, peace, and development of our country. May I challenge each one of us to rethink and draw from Sociological, Anthropological, or Social Work perspectives, whether we are the proponents of the theories of Emile Durkheim, Talcot Parsons, Foucault, or any other thought leaders, to scholarly, explain, and contribute to achieving social integration, social cohesion, and stability to overcome the functional-fragile situation of our societies. May the New Year bless you and your entire family with health, peace, wisdom, and professional fulfillment.
Meanwhile, May I seize this opportunity to extend my warmest congratulations to Prof Getnet and Dr. Alula P. for being awarded “Ye bego sew Shilimat". Dear Profs. we are very proud of your amazing accomplishments including your steward leadership in ESSSWA.
I would like also to extend my warmest congratulations to another ESSSWA member, Prof Eshetu Gurmu, who was most recently promoted to the rank of Professorship! (Sorry if I miss any other recently appointed professors).
Reflecting back, it is amazing to count on the successes of ESSSWA. I am very proud to see the tremendous financial growth and greater institutional capacity of our Society. For this, I would like to recognize and appreciate the praise-worthy accomplishments and contributions of all the executive Board members that recently completed their two terms of service under the Chairmanship of Ato Kebede Ayele. Thank you! I am confident that this would excel to a new height in the years to come under the recently appointed Board Members of ESSSWA, led by Prof Getnet and the Secretariat team, led by its Executive Director, Ato Sintayehu Dejene.
Best Wishes!
Melkam Addis Amet-2014 E.C.
In solidarity,
Feleke T, Toronto, Canada