Call for ESSSWA’s Annual GA meeting/conference

Call for ESSSWA’s Annual GA meeting/conference

Dear ESSSWA members,

Cordial Greetings from your Society!

ESSSWA’s Executive Committee in its meeting held on December 13, 2021 decided to organize and conduct the 2020’s GA meeting along with the 17th Annual Conference from March 18 to 19, 2022 at Welkite University campus, Welkite town.

On behalf of GA Chair and Executive Committee, we are therefore cordially inviting you to attend this important planned GA meeting and annual conference organized in collaboration with Welkite University College of Social Sciences and Humanities.

Please note that the organizers will cover the cost of transport and accommodation or per-diem:

-Welkite University will arrange transport from Addis Ababa to Welkite and from Welkita back to Addis

-Welkite University will also cover cost of accommodation and meal for 60 participants

-ESSSWA will pay per-diem (for accommodation and meal) for 40 participants coming from outside welkite at a rate of birr 600/day. Participants are expected to book their own accommodation in this case.

-ESSSWA will reimburse participants’ two way transportation cost (plane ticket) for participants from Jigjiga, Gondar, Arbaminich, Bairdar, Haromaya and Jimma. Please bring double trip receipts along with a one way boarding pass

-ESSSWA will also reimburse participants’ two way transportation cost (Bus ticket) for participants from other regions. Please bring valid receipts.

-ESSSWA and Welkite University provides stationary materials and ESSSWA will also cover the paper presenters and panelists’ professional fee

Please confirm your attendance by March 8, 2022. For further information or if you have any specific queries please contact us via email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or telephone number 0912 011057.

We look forward to seeing you at the meeting conference

Kind Regards,

Phone: +251 111 223 450
Holly Trinity Theology College Building, 5th floor Office No. 502,
Opposite to AAU Arat Kilo Campus

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