Summary The Ethiopian Society of Sociologists, Social Workers, and Anthropologists (ESSSWA) convened its 19th General Assembly on May 31, 2024, at the Ras Amba Hotel in Addis Ababa. The assembly, themed "Social Medicine for Neglected Tropical Diseases," brought together distinguished speakers and participants to address critical issues surrounding neglected tropical diseases (NTDs) in Ethiopia. The event commenced with a registration of participants, followed by welcoming and opening remarks from Dr. Ezana Amdework, ESSSWA EC President. A keynote address was delivered by Prof. Getnet Tadele, the Principal Investigator and Country Lead for the 5S Foundation Ethiopia, setting the tone for the day's discussions.

The assembly featured insightful paper presentations covering various aspects of NTDs, including interventions for podoconiosis reduction, everyday life implications of scabies in Debre Elias, and the susceptibility of street children in Addis Ababa to scabies. Researchers shared their findings on the lived experiences of rural podoconiosis patients and public engagement initiatives of the 5S Project. Discussions were interspersed with health breaks, allowing participants to network and exchange ideas. The event also included recognition of members and organizations for their contributions, a presentation of ESSSWA’s 2023 audit and activity reports, and the 2024 annual plan. The assembly concluded with discussions and approvals of the reports, ensuring a collaborative and forward-looking approach to addressing NTDs in Ethiopia. Download Full Statement

Call for ESSSWA’s Annual GA meeting/conference

Call for ESSSWA’s Annual GA meeting/conference

Dear ESSSWA members,

Cordial Greetings from your Society!

ESSSWA’s Executive Committee in its meeting held on December 13, 2021 decided to organize and conduct the 2020’s GA meeting along with the 17th Annual Conference from March 18 to 19, 2022 at Welkite University campus, Welkite town.

On behalf of GA Chair and Executive Committee, we are therefore cordially inviting you to attend this important planned GA meeting and annual conference organized in collaboration with Welkite University College of Social Sciences and Humanities.

Please note that the organizers will cover the cost of transport and accommodation or per-diem:

-Welkite University will arrange transport from Addis Ababa to Welkite and from Welkita back to Addis

-Welkite University will also cover cost of accommodation and meal for 60 participants

-ESSSWA will pay per-diem (for accommodation and meal) for 40 participants coming from outside welkite at a rate of birr 600/day. Participants are expected to book their own accommodation in this case.

-ESSSWA will reimburse participants’ two way transportation cost (plane ticket) for participants from Jigjiga, Gondar, Arbaminich, Bairdar, Haromaya and Jimma. Please bring double trip receipts along with a one way boarding pass

-ESSSWA will also reimburse participants’ two way transportation cost (Bus ticket) for participants from other regions. Please bring valid receipts.

-ESSSWA and Welkite University provides stationary materials and ESSSWA will also cover the paper presenters and panelists’ professional fee

Please confirm your attendance by March 8, 2022. For further information or if you have any specific queries please contact us via email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or telephone number 0912 011057.

We look forward to seeing you at the meeting conference

Kind Regards,

The 17th Annual Conference of the Ethiopian Society of Sociologists, Social Workers and Anthropologists (ESSSWA)


                      17th Annual Conference of the Ethiopian Society of Sociologists, Social Workers and Anthropologists (ESSSWA)

                            In collaboration with Wolkite University College of Social Sciences and Humanities

                                                         Department of Sociology

                            Conference Theme: Current internal conflicts and Coping Mechanisms in Ethiopia.


                                                                                                                           March 18-19, 2022

                                                                                                                          Wolkite, Ethiopia


I. Introduction


The Ethiopian Society of Sociologists, Social Workers and Anthropologists (ESSSWA) was founded by its volunteer professionals drawn from the three sister disciplines in June 1996. The society received its first legal registration in 1997 from the then Ministry of Justice. As per Proclamation No 621/2009, ESSSWA obtained certificate of registration from the former Ethiopian Charities and Societies Agency in November 2009. In December 2019, following the proclamation of the new CSO legislation (1113/2019) ESSSWA has also received a re-registration certificate as a local organization with a registry number of 0350 from the renamed Ethiopian Civil Societies and Organizations Agency (ECSOA).

ESSSWA strives to develop members’ professional competence and enhance their contributions to the country’s socio-economic development and assist government, civil society organizations, the private sector and communities in translating the various development policies and strategies into actions.

Over its 25 years of services, ESSSWA has built its center of excellence in research and training activities and provisions of system strengthening and workforce development services for government, community structures and CSO partners.  Its activities give special emphasis on improving members’ research competence and training and help deploy cadres of social service workforce that provide basic services at community level in social protection of vulnerable groups and in the protection of children at risk.  

ESSSWA has strong networks with social and child protection policy forums and is working closely with training and research institutions all over the country. Since its establishment, ESSSWA has beendevoted to the social wellbeing of the Ethiopian people through policy debates using its responsive and proactive research findings. Currently, ESSSWA has 1308 registered ordinary and 6 institutional members. Most of its current members are working in various organizations including higher learning institutions and universities, civil society organizations, government offices, UN organizations, bilateral donor agencies and grass roots institutions and communities.  ESSSWA operates in all regions and 2 city administrations.  Its eight regional chapters affiliated to public universities (Bhairdar, Gonder, Hawassa, Addis Ababa, Jimma, Arbaminch, Mekele, Debremarkos, Haramaya, Wolkite and Jigjiga) are serving as liaisons with its partners and support the smooth implementations of planned project activities.

ESSSWA has also been serving as a platform of professional debates on long established social problems and emerging socio economic challenges of the country through annual conferences in which its members who are practitioners, policy makers and academicians take part and deliberate on various thematic issues. Thus far, the Society has organized 16 annual conferences. Following the conferences, depending on the availability of funds ESSSWA has published proceedings so as to document, disseminate and share the knowledge generated to the wider public. 

The planned seventeenth ESSSWA conference is aimed at bringing together its member personalities, institutions and relevant stakeholders and deliberate on various societal issues which have national significance.

II. Theme of the Conference

The seventeenth Annual Conference of the Ethiopian Society of Sociologists, Social Workers and Anthropologists (ESSSWA) is planned to be held for two days, from March 18 to March 19, 2022. In line with its mission, vision and strategic objectives, ESSSWA, in its previous 16 annual conferences has given adequate emphasis to pertinent issues of national significance like vulnerabilities, social change, social protection, social and behavioral maladjustments, conflict situations and peace building. Assessing the current pressing challenges of the country, ESSSWA has come up with a conference theme that is related to the wave of internal conflicts that the country is going through The seventeenth annual conference theme is “Internal Conflicts and Coping Mechanisms in Ethiopia” which will emphasis on the current internal conflicts of  the country and the implemented coping strategies. It further focuses on the social crisis caused by the conflict and the way out.

  • Objectives of the Conference
  • Create opportunities for knowledge transfer for university students, practitioners and academicians with sociology, social anthropology and social work backgrounds;
  • Discuss on the current conflict situations in the country and address the possible means and ways of managing conflicts and restoring peace
  • Enhance the contributions of the three interlinked disciplines to assess and respond to the current internal conflicts of the country
  • Create opportunity for problem identification and  further research undertakings;
  • Undertake research based professional discussions on the on-going social crisis and coping mechanisms in Ethiopia;
  • Create an opportunity where different stakeholders and members of the association get to know and connect each other, which will in turn create means of collaboration and partnership.
  • Create a platform for thematic papers that would enhance academic and practitioners’ debates related to conflict resolution and peace building
  • Enable conference participants to reflect views and share practices on the underlying causes, consequences and means and ways of addressing them.
  • Come up with responsive strategic directions and program and policy recommendations that would help resolve conflicts and maintain peace.
  • To understand the community engagement activities of Wolkite University an get acquainted  with the socio cultural situations of Gurage Zone
  • Target Audiences and Participants

Up to 100 ESSSWA’s ordinary and institutional members, regional chapter representatives, partners and other relevant stakeholders will take part in the upcoming annual conference. Also, 30 participants from Wolkite University and Gurage Zone will take part in the conference. 

  • Conference discussion forums and topics

The conference will follow two different but interrelated forums/approaches. In the morning session 4 papers will be presented and discussed in plenary. Under the broad Conference theme mentioned above, the following discussion topics are identified for paper presentations and discussions.

  • Trends of current internal conflicts in Ethiopia
  • Impact/consequences of current internal conflicts
  • Emergency response
  • Displacement and reintegration
  • Conflict management and/or resolution
  • Local coping mechanisms/strategies

The paper presentations will be followed by a panel discussion with expertise in the areas of conflict, conflict management and resolution. 4 individuals will be selected to discuss the social crisis

Call for ESSSWA's Annual GA Meeting

Dear ESSSWA members,

Cordial Greetings from your Society!

ESSSWA’s Executive Committee in its meeting held on December 13, 2021 decided to organize and conduct the 2020’s GA meeting along with the 17th Annual Conference from March 18 to 19, 2022 at Welkite University campus, Welkite town.

On behalf of GA Chair and Executive Committee, we are therefore cordially inviting you to attend this important planned GA meeting and annual conference organized in collaboration with Welkite University College of Social Sciences and Humanities.

Please note that the organizers will cover the cost of transport and accommodation or per-diem:

-Welkite University will arrange transport from Addis Ababa to Welkite and from Welkita back to Addis

-Welkite University will also cover cost of accommodation and meal for 60 participants 

-ESSSWA will pay per-diem (for accommodation and meal) for 40 participants coming from outside welkite at a rate of birr 600/day. Participants are expected to book their own accommodation in this case.

-ESSSWA will reimburse participants’ two way transportation cost (plane ticket) for participants from Jigjiga, Gondar, Arbaminich, Bairdar, Haromaya and Jimma. Please bring double trip receipts along with a one way boarding pass

-ESSSWA will also reimburse participants’ two way transportation cost (Bus ticket) for participants from other regions. Please bring valid receipts.

-ESSSWA and Welkite University provides stationary materials and ESSSWA will also cover the paper presenters and panelists’ professional fee

Please confirm your attendance by March 8, 2022. For further information or if you have any specific queries please contact us via email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or telephone number 0912 011057.

We look forward to seeing you at the meeting conference 

Kind Regards,



Brief Training Report on Research Ethics

Brief Training Report on Research Ethics

A very successful four days capacity building (training of trainers) on Research Ethics and writing articles or publication in the Social Science and Humanities was conducted from              24th to 27th January 2022 at Azzeman Hotel, Addis Ababa Ethiopia. The training was organized by Social Sciences for Severe Stigmatizing Skin Diseases (The 5-S Foundation Ethiopia) project in collaboration with the Ethiopian Society of Sociologists, Social Workers and Anthropologists (ESSSWA) and the Federal Ministry of Education (MoE).

The training brought together about 28 (4 females) professionals from ten ESSSWA regional chapter universities, 5S project staff and ESSSWA IRB members. The training was delivered by university professors and  senior professionals gathered from Addis Ababa University, National Research Ethics Review committee, Ministry of Education and ESSSWA IRB members.  

The main focus of the training was to equip researchers gathered from different universities with the fundamental ethical issues to be considered while conducting social science and humanities research.  This training was then organized with high expectation of these ToT participants to take the training back home and cascade to it their colleagues, government and non-government stakeholders in their respective regions/universities.

The training started with the welcoming speech by Mr. Sintayehu Dejene, Executive Director of ESSSWA. He welcomed all participants and commended the high turnout at the training. Following this, Professor Genet Tadele, Principal Investigator of the 5S foundation project Eth and President of ESSSWA Board, welcomed and expressed his sincere gratitude to the attendees and made a keynote address. Professor Getnet gave a brief background about the mission and objective of the 5S project and ESSSWA. He also highlighted the main purpose of the training and ethical issues need to be grounded within the broader socio-economic, cultural and political contextof a given society or indigenous Ethiopian/African moral systems, values, norms, thoughts, philosophy and realities on the ground. He expressed his heartfelt thanks to the resource persons who devoted their valuable time and expertise in delivering this training. Also, he paid tribute to those who contributed a lot in making the training happen. The training was officially opened by Dr. Solomon Benor, Director General of Science and Research Directorate at the Ministry of Education.

Various training topics have been discussed during the whole training period. Among others: History and Origin of Bioethics, Overview of the new comprehensive NRERC Guideline, Informed Consent, Privacy and confidentiality, Conflict of Interest and Risk benefit assessment in ethical issues, Research with vulnerable population, Registration of IRB/IEC, Research Ethics in the Social Sciences and Humanities (With a focus on principles of ethics, procedures and process of ethical approval). In addition to topics related to research ethics, a very interesting topic on Writing for Publication has been also discussed in the training.

Generally, as there was sincere interest by participants on the subject, the training was engaging and lively. To achieve the objective of the training, the trainers have used different training methodologies such as scenario illustration, group work, question and answer and case presentations. In addition to the training on research ethics, the training has opened the opportunity for networking among the trainees who come from different organizations.

 As a closing remark, professor Getnet thanked all participants for attending the training and National Institute of Health Research (BSMS and 5S Foundation) for the financial support. He also stressed that participant of this training need to apply the knowledge and skills they acquired on their research projects and take the training back home and roll it out to their colleagues and researchers in their respective regions/universities. Finally, professor Getnet issued certificates of participation for those who have successfully completed the training.  

ESSSWA Telegram Group

Dear ESSSWA members,

Please, join Ethiopian Society of Sociologists, Social workers and Anthropologists (ESSSWA) Telegram Group by using the following link:

 We can use this platform to :
1. exchange information about job/consultancy/conferences/workshops etc opportunities in the three fields
2. debate on sociological/anthropological and social work issues or any policy issues as the need arises
3. discuss how to better strengthen ESSSWA
4. deliberate on any other contemporary issues as needed.

Kindest regards

Phone: +251 111 223 450
Holly Trinity Theology College Building, 5th floor Office No. 502,
Opposite to AAU Arat Kilo Campus

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